Thursday, July 21, 2016

Never Stop Believing: A Group Short Story

Hello everyone! I am so sorry that we have not posted in so long, but our summer is super busy. While some people relax during the summer, my family loves to do things together. I have been really busy hanging out with friends and dancing. So, here is a post like we did not to long ago. We got together with some friends and did another story off a prompt. (click here to see the other post we did like this) I will put people's names before their writing and alternate colors so you can see who is who. The colors are set so that the same people write in the same colors. We went twice around this time.

Prompt: For as long as she could remember...

Arietta: For as long as she could remember, she'd worn eye glasses. Her parents had always made sure she had them on and formed a habit. One day, she forgot to wear them and saw a...

Sierra: Fairy. She followed it to the old oak tree where she bad spent many hours reading. Today, however, she saw it was covered in fairies. She climbed the tree higher and higher...

Riley: Until she reached the top. The fairies surrounded her and lifted her off her feet. They flew over her city, only stopping once they reached a little but where...

Morgan: A magical unicorn lived. Her hair was made out of rainbows.

"Chosen one, you have returned."


"Yes, you. You were stolen away years ago and made to forget that you can...

Sam: Save the fairy kingdom. Now, we need your help. The humans are trying to destroy us, making children stop believing in us. You must stop them."

The girl nodded....

Melodie: As the unicorn passed her a book. "Take this and you can stop the humans."

The girl opened it and found it was a book of fairytales. "Go quickly," said the unicorn...

Arietta: Suddenly, the words on the book started to melt together, forming a huge black blob that reached out of the pages of the book, forming a hand that clenched around the girl's neck. 
"AGGH!" She resisted, but the hand pulled her into the book. When she woke up, she found herself surrounded by....

Sierra: Other children. She looked around and saw that all of them were holding books similar to hers. Tears streamed down their cheeks.
"We have to get out of here!" she cried...

Riley: "We can't," said one boy. 

Desperate, the girl thumbed through the book. "This book is about us, and I'm in it. I am flying, and we're escaping. It's all here." The children looked in their books...

Morgan: "But you're flying," one said. "Can you do that?"

"I can try." The girl closed her eyes and said "I believe." The other children repeated her. The ground shook...

Sam: As their prison began to crumble. Adult voices could be heard saying "Stop! It's all a lie! There's no such thing!" A few children whimpered. "I believe!" the girl shouted...

Melodie: "I believe!" came the cry of the other children. The prison crumbled beneath them as the adults watched.
"No more shall you try to hide from us the wonders of fairytales. We have seen it, and we will not be silenced from sharing our views."
The adults nodded silently. The girl moved among the other children. "Never stop believing," she said. "No matter what."

What did you think of our story? We did the post a little differently this time, but I still think we came up with an amazing story. this is so much fun to do with friends. Here's how to do it at home.

Think of a prompt. It can be a simple phrase like we did, or anything else. Then get a few sheets of paper, a pencil and a stopwatch. Each person has one minute to write as much as they can, and then the next person continues it. You can have everyone do it once, or go around a few times. The last time you do it, the last person gets to quickly finish the story. They can use more than a minute if necessary.

If you do this with friends, comment down below how it went.

What did you think of this story, and are you going to try it at home?


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